Phong E


Im not sure whether its just the crudeness of the model or the lack of surrounding enviroment but i still have the nagging feeling that its missing something. Rough watering can based on some of Sarahs sketches, coloured using the same technique as the final leaf and without any burns.
I havn't done anything additional to the levels but there is much more colour contrast, i think thua didnt appear so much in the leaf because it was a large texture on a small object and the burn covered too much up.
Out of these two i think i prefer the Phong (which is what the leaves were and why they were so reflective) The light playing of it seems to add another level of depth, but to be honest i think the material is something that should be dependant on what the object is.
im liking the textures but yes i agree with you its definatly the model thats the problem here, it looks more awkward than anything instead of slender. Id try adding some pen scratches in places to the texture to give it a sort of rusty/old quality, literally scan in or download some pen scratches and apply as a new layer additional to what you have here