Monday, 26 October 2009


Right so its been decided that we are going to be ussing some different character designs that have been done by Sarah. I like the design for Hero but think that Macho and Girl need more development because Macho doesnt really have the build i think is necessary to portray a really physically stong charcater and Girl is a bit too plain and needs something to make her more identifiable as a female.
I'm going to be focusing mainly on texuring, colouring and lighting over the next couple of days as well as working on the thumbnails ive been designated.
Right my favorite of Hero colours is either the red or the blue. The origional colouring was done in the green but Sarah says its too vibrant.On Macho i like the Black, Brown or Blue.
And on Girl i like the purple, orange or blue, but seeing as she may still chage quite a bit this may change.

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