Righty this is one of the textures i created whilst at college today. Its done by using several watercolour brushes in photoshop.
Showed it to Sarah who has said to apply other texures and filters just to see what we get, play with it a bit. But i wanted to check it was working in 3D first.

Its only a really quick model and i havn't spent nearly enough time sorting the UV's so it stretches a bit at the base but you can see what its going to look like.
i like the splats of the paint, dont like the spots though as they are "too perfect" circles...no symmetry or perfect shapes in this pleeeeeasseee! circles need to be stretched, slightly off, not perfectly round ay thanku. Again i would say try this texture with a paper scrunch overlay, or grit, stone, scratches etc to give it more depth. Good start but remember nothing is perfect in this world, all the tiny detials count.