Was talking with Sarah about the texture styles the other day and agreed to disagree. Sarah had done some previous quick tests using a range of different processes and as a group we agreed that Pastels was the best of the selection.
However i think its too early to make a decision on how we're creating the textures based on those tests, whereas Sarah was under the impression that now we had chosen pastels we would now focus and refine a process.
So we agreed that we would both go away and do some more tests, Sarah specifically with pastels and me with watercolours.
Heres the results of my tests.

Heres the first test that i did. I used the scanned texture of a reed, grey scaled it the did a colour burn using the watercolour. Its very vibrant in colour and the texture stands out too much. You also loose the lovely patchy watercolour.

Same process but with a different sample. I toned down the reed texture on this one and i think it works alot better than the first, but im not too sure its going to be the sort of thing Sarahs looking for in her quest for stylization

I didn't create the texture by hand for this one, i got a picture of a watercolour splotch and then added my own colour. This is a bit too colourful and a bit too busy.

Another really vibrant one, i wanted to see what it would look like without the reed texture applied. Needless to say it looks quite dull, more the plasticine than anything else.

Again this isn't my picture but one i manipulated in photoshop, and no reed texture. Once again fairly dull due to the lack of reed texture and theres too much variation in the colour.
Some of the test were obviously more successful than others but none really came across as what we need for our film.
But then i was playing today and created this.

I havn't applied it to a model yet, but i think its got potential. Will talk to Sarah about it tommorow and see what she thinks.
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