Theres two maps applied, a body bump at 0.02 influence and a universal bump for his limbs at 0.01 influence. I'll be sticking these bumps on the Adrive and the public.
I got bored of looking for the perfect rock textures online so in the end i just made one in photoshop using filters and lighting effects. Am pretty pleased with the way its turned out given that i only had a couple of hours to do it. Its a little bit funny in some places but i think this is just where i've been playing around with the lighting.
I know we didnt get all the nice longer cracks and stuff that we were origionally hopeing to add to the bump. I had a play with it last night and got some poor results, it would take me a coupla days to get working well which is time that we really dont have, so i left it like this.
Something else to note is that i have got the occlusion on Soft light instead of Multiply, because for this particular render it looks better, it's something i'd like to to look at in AE and see what it looks like on a moving scene.
And finally the Rigs need to have sphere eyeballs with a black metallic attached, they look REALLY bad without it (they have shark eyes).

Right, in the bump files and a final scaled body texture for Macho are on the public drive
And are also on the Adrive in the texures folder.
nice work matt, this is looking mighty goooooooood