Saturday, 22 May 2010

Hero Textured

Hero's textures are now on the Adrive. I can tell you now that they ARN'T going to work on shot 26 as it is because the model is using the old UV layout. I'll change this and re-up the file later on tonight, this shouldn't effect the (hopefully already rendered) occlusion, z-depth etc.

Also the button/string hasn't been textured cuz they havnt been uv'd and im not too sure what to do with them.

Macho's teeth texture is now on the Adrive as well. Dependant upon what model you have you may need to Auto-Uv the teeth then apply the texture. Same texture for top and bottom.

1 comment:

  1. cheers matt. i shall prob change the belt buckle and sort out the button/string but otherwise it looks good.

    adam has completed occlusions and z depth for all animated shots now so just need the textures so we can light and get the other passes complete.

    Can you update me on shot 3, 6 and 8 as you said youplanned to get them done for Weds just gone. These have lighting all done so can be set up to render.
