Lady Gnome all smashed up for the final shot, which has now been animated - she blinks twice and her arm falls off. Im pretty happy with the way she turned out smashed considering it was a pretty rushed job. The white jigsawy pieces will be a slightly different colour to the main bulk of her body (which is just her plain old body) So the look like different pieces that have been stuck on. They have been manually smoothed so can't be smooth preveiwed (otherwise they loose their edge) Face has been moved around a bit and the hair has been straightened and angled to look messy. However its the tape that brings the whole thing together, for some reason it seems to add alot more to what isnt there, by applying it she just looks more...broken.
We'll also be covering the texture with cracks so it looks like she's been smashed and then she's done.
This scene (38) along with shots 23 nd 24 are now on the adrive, so rendering of their occlusions and zdepth (etc) can begin.
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