EDIT: Have JUST got maya working on my dads laptop which is exactly the same as my old one so i'll be using that for the time being in uni.
Spent the last couple of days UV mapping - something which up until now i have been able to avoid to the best of my ability. Im not gonna lie its been pretty tuff going, and a number of times i've had to get up and walk away from it out of frustration, but we're making progress.

Ive still got loads to do on it and its full of errors but we're getting somewhere even if it is at a snails pace.
Noticed a couple of horrible glaring errors with the textures me and Sarah created from scratch involving the canvas underlay - it makes the texture look like a patchwork quilt.
Sarahs texture:

Matts Texture- He looks knitted.

Also did some really quick rock texture tests (think 30 mins) but am horrified with the results because they're terrible.

Yeh so gonna get on with the UV mapping and get it out of the way.
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