Got bored of writing dissertation and started looking at blogs and saw what Lewis and Tom were doing on the skinning of their characters so i thought i would see if we could devlop that a bit and apply it to our Gnomes.
Its only a pretty quick test to see if it was a process we could use and i'm quite pleased with the way its come out.

Right i think this is looking surprisingly good considering its the texture Sarah gave me colourized red and then a greyscale pic of some concrete applied as a bump and an occlusion. The sub surface scattering really adds alot more to the texture. With the proper textures and a bump map that ive actually spent some time on, shadows etc I think we could get this looking really good.
Heros still in the works - having a little trouble adding subdivs to his body without getting major pinching in his hat.
Edit: Uploading this JPEG onto the internet has lost a noticeable amount of quality.
Matt u legend. this is looking much much better and the stone much more subtle. If we could get a few more chips or splits in the rock though without being over obvious i think that would be great. Please post up some Hero pics...after diss we need to discuss their eyebrows as i still dont know what to do with Lady gnome and dissertation has meant Maya is now collecting cobwebs...Im crap at essay writing!
ReplyDeleteAgain truely fantastic stuff here, welldone