Hero looks terrible with eyebrows!!!

I really dont know what to do about it. Both these models are roughly the same stage and the only noteable difference is the eyebrows but the one on the left looks way better (even though its a work in progress and still needs tonnes done to it) I dont think remodeling the brows will make any difference either, the only solution in can think of at the moment is too have brows kinda like girl gnome and then emphasize the expression by using the lip of the cowl, but i dunno, we really need to sit down and have a brainstorm session.
Things that still need work on Hero-
His face is too flat and has got rippling happening on it that need sorting.
Beard needs finishing (is it working?)
Belt needs attaching - its modeled and i've made it a bit different from Machos by fleshing out the buckle.
Belt hoops need adjusting and attaching.
Need to sort his belly out (you can really see it here but hes somehow aquired a beer gut?!?)
Need to do new set of teeth cuz Macho's are too chunky.
Probably something else but i cant think of it right now...possiby make his hat taller...
In other news, adding more texture to Macho should be easy enough we just need to put another bump map on him which was only cracks+chips in his surface.
Today was probably the last day im gonna spend on Gnomes, tis gonna be dissertation from here on in.
mmm this brow thing is a problemo indeed
ReplyDeletebut firstly to the model..have u actually rebuilt the whole thing? personally i prefer the face and beard Yaniv managed to achieve so keep with that and just rework the suit accordingly in terms of the belt, button and the point on top. He's too sqaure here as well where as he needs to be more round. Use the body Yaniv made and just add in the belt etc and change the point cos he was basically there.
kk i understand diss needs to be done. We'll have a massive meeting after hand in
kk will do, its not been so much a re build more a frankesteinish creation done by cannibalizing the Yaniv's Hero and my Macho.