You can blendshape using groups! I think i remember Sarah questioning whether it was possible for Girls hood and it is. I was origionally gonna combine the inside of his mouth with the rest of geometry (the way i've done it in the past - cuz im either misinformed or just plain thick) but this is a real bitch to work with cuz it makes it near enough impossible to select anything without highlighting a whole bunch of verts you dont want, so takes aagggeeesss to do anything.
Couple of things to note though:
When duplicating the primary object for shaping you have to select the group its assigned to, rather than the mesh.
Something i did wrong:
You gotta name all of the shapes in your primary group mesh - before you duplicate it for blendshaping - in the outliner cuz otherwise the computer likes to start naming things itself (and boy can it be creative!) If the shape names of the objects your trying to blend don't match nothing is gonna happen. Plus it adds to the general Maya organization that we all seem to lack.

Something else i did wrong:
Now lets say you've created the group blendshapes and you wanna move the one of the shapes around (in this instance teeth). What i did at first was select the geometry of the teeth hit the trusty old "W" and move it up. Rather proudly i then created the blendshape and tested it only to have Maya stare back blanky at me.
When you make a blendshape Maya ignores the positions of your shapes, which is why you can move your blendshape meshs all over the place and not have it effect the primary, Blendshapes only effects changes in the vertex's (vertexi?) which sounds really obvious but is (according to my expieriance) really easy to overlook.
So instead of just moving the shape you have to select all of the shapes vertex's and move them.

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