Right lets recap on the problem we was having with our textures, and that they were stretching. we had a short meeting with Alex Hulse and he agreed that whilst projecting the textures was a solution to the problem it wasnt one that he recommended because the textures on the face would appear to be free flosting and any movement would thus look horribly unnatural. So he advised us to simply add more geometry to our model and space out the verts so that there was less stretching on the textures, which is the process we have adapted and so far its working well, so cheers for that Alex.
I've scaled the UV textures, and done some layout and colour tests on Macho and thats all sorted now, so its pretty much just need to create Macho's final textures and apply them, which hopefully wont take too long.
Aaaaand i've just completed Macho's blendshapes.

37 in all, and most of that is down to his eyebrow which has 14 blendshapes to itself.
Going to spend a couple of hours now doing a quick test animation to see that they are working well together and highlight any changes that need to be made, will try to get that done today and have it uploaded either today or tommorow.
nice work matt, hopefully you can begin the old animation soon soon soon!