There was only two changes i had to make to Sarahs rig and only in the body the arms and legs are fine (the hands set driven keys are AWESOME!). I added two more joints to distribute the weight on the face and belly to help keep their shape as he's turning and stretching and reshaped the "ribs" he was given (looking back maybe not nesessary but it make things simpler).

The second thing was more of an error than anything. For some reason on the file i recieved the IK spline put in his spine was inverted. So when you told him to lean forward he would lean back.

There was also an issue of the skin constraints relying on the global co-oridnates which prevented the creation of a master control. And unfortunatly in the end i figured it would be generally easier to simply get rid of it - if necessary we can add one back in once the skin is weighted.
All that said the rig layout is incredibly astute and makes my life of weighting it a hell of alot easier. Got most of the weighting done on thurs and am now spending friday simply fine tuning it.

You can really see it too well but that is body twist. I've also got the face setup so it can move ontop of the body slightly so if we need to emphasize him looking at something, sighing, straining etc we can use this subtly to emphasize the movement.

I just need to level out the weights a bit more so it can squash a little more without pinching, do a bit more work on his collar(i thought it was working yesterday but it clearly isnt) go over his arms and legs with a fine tooth comb and make sure they're working well and then hes pretty much done. All that needs doing after that is to make a few changes to the blendshapes and create a facial control panel and hes ready for animating.
You may also notice that a couple of the nurbs circles don't follow the rig. This is because of some reason i can't get the parent script to work for me, all it does is create a dublicate nurbs circle with both circles are parented to each other, instead of parented to the rig.
the head control seemed redundent but it was only after i finished the rig i realised this...unless its somehow become useful now its skinned.
ReplyDeleteI also now added a toe flick attribute to the rig which dave showed me how to do yday as well as a master control which strangely worked on my version of the file.
u tried all the foot attributes btw? i was wondering if Macho is gonna require FKs instead of set drivens because we have such close ups with his hands and he needs to lift etc.
I can easily make alterations to the rig, its simple as so letme know asap. Alternativly these are additions that need to be added for Lady and Hero
p.s wen u sent macho thru he was sooo massive i had to scale him down...u might wanna check this with his blendshapes and UV textures n that
ReplyDeleteYeh i know about Macho being huge and i've fixed that now.
ReplyDeleteThe foot atributes are all working fine, so its just gonna be a matter of adjusting this rig to fit the other characters.
I'm using the head bone to animate the top of his hat to add some more squash and stretch to the charcater (hat pushed down when liftn flowerpot etc)
Aaaaaand the set driven keys don't effect the Fk's taht you've made them out of, so we can use the existing FKs in the hand to animate.
cool, we just need to add some handles to them to give them extra options.
ReplyDeletek i have someone in the 2nd year whose gonna do our stretchy IK legs but it may mean Macho needs skinning again. So i need you to send through to me the final rig, bound and one version unbound as i need to make additions to the foot attributes at any rate before i pass it on.
Do you mean extra foot attributes in order to make the strechy IK work? cuz i dont think Macho needs any additional foot attributes.
ReplyDeleteits not to make the stretchy IK work, it would just be so he could lift up his toe which could be beneficial to animation.
ReplyDeleteHe needs a root cntrl neway which i dont know if youve added, and a master control.