The problm lies in that its only a small texture (800x800 - the grass tests i did were about the limit it can be used for) and we cant apply it to everything cuz it'd look ridiculously reptitive.
I've done quite a bit of searching and i can find another texture thats going to be able to match this one...and so ffar i got nothing, so methinks we're gonna have to make our own.
This is the texture i used for the watering can. 2 layers - base texture and brush overlay

Spent about an hour or so this afternoon just playing with making something on par with how the master texture looks. The main layer of the texture is some coffee stains on paper then ive layered it with photoshop brushes, canvas texture and underlay colour.

Its a huge texture (look at this texture at its full scale, this is a quarter of it) so we can adapt it easily enough.
Lemme know ure thoughts - back to Macho.
not liking the second one at all tbh, its just too busy/messy compared to the initial one we wanted to use....wot does it look like if you remove all the paint splates etc??