Friday, 14 May 2010

Animation for feedback

Which ones are ready to be sent through to render and which ones need more work.

Im having real trouble uploading the vids here, managed to get two up but will try uping shot 20 again in the morning.

Shot 22 generally cleaned up with more added to it. Still need to switch Hero here for the re-uved one, but now ive got Hero juggling in shot 20 i can copy him in and then just have to copy over the keys on the fall. So shouldnt take as long as shot 20 did.

I know i need to add more to the movement of him lifting the rocks up to look at them.
I Wouldn't say i'm overly happy with the way that shot 8 is looking, but i'm accutley aware of the time its taking. This could look better, but ive got about a hundred other things i need to do as well.

Lemme know your opinions on all shots.

Next one im gonna work on is shot 6 which should only take me a day.

1 comment:

  1. nice work matt

    on the first video, are machos feet slipping? they look like they are sliding across the ground instead of planting down onto the floor? Would also like to see the stones in the juggling sequence please. apart from that its looking fine.

    For shot 22 the initial facial expression needs a bit of work. I think you need to exaggerate the brow more and have a larger arc instead of just the little point in the middle being up. Can you lean him to one side a bit too as if he's admiring her and a smile in as his mouth isnt really expressing anything to suggest hes in awe or shock. I think the walk with the big rock needs to be slowed down a bit as it doesnt look like its too much of a weight for him at the moment. Apart from that i think its good. Like the lobbing of the little stones, very nice.
