Macho is essentially just a giant head with arms and legs and it turns out that he can barely touch his hands together.
This is the most im gonna be able to do with this stretch, instead of pulling the arm back with the forearm like a normal person would he'll be clasping his wrist and pulling it towards his body, and im not sure whether thats gonna work. Its looking a bit too clustered and his arms keep covering his face.
Shall i continue with this or revert back to what i was doing earlier with him stretching up to the sky???
yep looks naff, i would go back to what you were doing before. the action needs to simulate him stretching his arms out. What if he has one arm on his hip whilst he stretches the other one out over his head?
incase what i said made no sense. Obv if it doesnt work for the character then we do have to change the animation accordingly to see what they can do. You can get in some nice leans with this move too.